When the song’s super-fast rap breakdown starts, Shakira delivers one more iconic moment: She’s dresses up as a mannequin to hide from the police, spitting out every line of the razor-sharp verse from a shop window. Followed by: 'Jump in the Line' (Film) 'Girl Scout' (Musical) 'Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)' is a song from the 1988 film Beetlejuice. Shakira drives a car, a line of police cars at her tail, with a handkerchief pulled firmly over her eyes. Eventually, her lover breaks her out, and the visuals become a brilliant metaphor for the lyrics, which are all about how dumb and blind she feels love has made her. These policemen haul Shakira to jail, setting the scene for several unforgettable images of Shakira getting booked by cops and sitting in a crowded cell. This heart-warming flick has its fair share of thrilling and funny moment and is a great choice for a family movie. There are two moments that make this scene hilarious. Were committed to making your time at the Center an exceptional and delightful experience from the moment you step foot on our. It’s not Shakira -she’s busy having fun at a street party, which the police quickly breaks up.

The whole thing starts with surprises immediately: As the opening trumpets pipe in, the camera pans up to show a woman mouthing the first lines of the track. The song’s video, directed by Gustavo Garzón, reflected the album’s smart, witty, unexpected tone - and the visuals are easily her most memorable, especially for hardcore Shakira fans. While every scene he appears in is hilarious in its own right, some scenes are far more memorably funny than others. In 1998, Shakira released “Ciega Sordomuda,” the first single from Dónde Están los Ladrones?, the breakthrough album that made her a massive star across Latin America.