A 15-year-old, for instance, was deprived of a bed for 7 months, after he played a prank on a younger brother. The Frankes made a big deal out of being strict disciplinarians on their channel, which led to describing punishments of children. It's not like the red flags weren't there.

While some of those people were skeptics, by and large, it was the same audience you always get for these Christian influencers: People who desperately want to believe in this fairy tale of the shiny, happy perfect white Christian families. She had over 2 million subscribers on her YouTube channel. What's so confounding about this story is that so many other people were buying Franke's B.S. It's grim stuff, but also just exactly what cynical secularists of the left expect. They rake in massive views and advertisers by dishing up a fantasy of blindingly white, well-scrubbed, "wholesome" family life. There seems to be an unending number of these content creators.
Franke was part of a new crop of Christian "influencers" who have recreated the Duggar family's reality TV success for the social media era.
So it wasn't really a shock when another Christian right celebrity, Ruby Franke of the YouTube series "8 Passengers," was recently arrested and charged with six charges of felony child abuse. Once a person holds themselves out to be an exemplar of clean Christian living, it feels like it's just a matter of time before their closetful of dark secrets comes spilling out.

The drumbeat of similar stories is unrelenting.

and Liberty University. Or the Duggar family from TLC's reality TV series and their religious leader, Bill Gothard. Or the Southern Baptist Convention, which also spent decades reflexively shielding abusers. It could be the establishment of the Catholic Church, which covered up sexual abuse by priests for years. In many ways, it's the least surprising story of our times: A showily Christian conservative holds themselves out to be the moral arbiter for others to follow but is soon exposed as a hypocrite and a villain, accused of violence or abuse against the vulnerable people they claimed to champion.